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Uses detailed illustrations, type faces and vivid color to complement the simple verses that explain character traits like compassion and bravery. With verses created by Metzger, The Way I Act follows the pattern established by The Way I Feel, introducing a wide variety of character traits, including some not usually attributed to young children. Metzger s carefully crafted text is sensitive and free of bias and slang. Together with Cain’s sometimes zany characters, The Way I Act shows scenarios that kids can identify with peering at bugs with a magnifying glass, making a bed, finishing a puzzle, sweeping up a mess. The text cites even more examples that define words such as curious, responsible, persistent and capable. As Metzger points out, the scenarios on each two-page spread let kids imagine how they might act on a curlicue slide, when meeting new children, when an elderly grandparent needs help.

The Way I Act

    Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

    PO Box 236 |710 Garfield Street, Suite 218 |Laramie, WY 82073 

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