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Transitional Housing Resource Page

Transitional Housing 2020-2023 Assistance Program Policy

Transitional Housing Voluntary Services Training E-Learning
     The NNEDV Voluntary Services Training in 2021 will be completed through an e- learning module. MOU partners (WCADVSA member programs) are encouraged to participate in the e-learning module if they are providing direct services. There is no limit on the number of staff who can take this e-learning course. But at least one person needs to complete the courses for the agency. 
     There are 8 lessons available. In total, you’ll need to view 6 lessons to complete the training requirement. There are 5 mandatory lessons in Track A and 3 elective lessons in Track B. At least 1 lesson from Track B must be completed to meet the minimum lesson requirement.
Click this link to find the registration page. When you register, you will automatically be registered for both Tracks A and B and you will have access to all eight lessons. When you register, you’ll be asked to create a username and password that is unique for you. Each person, who wants to take the course, should enroll separately. That way the certificate generates with your name on it.
     The e-learning platform will track your progress. You can start, pause, and restart all of the lessons. Once you’ve viewed all of the lessons in Track A, and the lesson(s) you want to view in Track B, you’ll need to complete the Course Completion Certification to obtain a certificate. In that quiz, you’ll note the lesson(s) you viewed, and then click the “Print Your Certificate” button. Please email a copy of your certificate to Trish Worley, Economic Justice Specialist

NNEDV Transitional Housing Toolkit

This toolkit is meant to provide transitional housing providers with easy access to information and resources to enhance services to survivors. The information provided here addresses frequently asked questions, common challenges, best practices, templates for adaptation, and resources for additional information and assistance.

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